
Ce week-end, la team Bimp’Air s’est rendue à Utrecht aux Pays-Bas, pour une rencontre privilégiée avec les professionnels néerlandais dans l’univers du sport. L’occasion pour l’entreprise de faire connaître sa capsule d’air comprimé rechargeable aux futurs distributeurs, mais aussi d’évaluer le potentiel du système sur ce nouveau marché. La technologie a été très bien reçue par ce public, et Bimp’Air espère voir fleurir de nombreux partenariats sur le long terme, dans ce pays où le vélo fait partie à part entière de la culture nationale.

Et bien sûr, Bimp’Air a pu assister au Grand Départ du Tour de France ce samedi : la canicule n’a pas réussi à stopper les spectateurs, venus en masse pour l’événement. C’est dans cette joyeuse ambiance que nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer Joop Zoetemelk, ancienne légende du Tour, qui s’est vu remettre la Légion d’Honneur avec Jan Janssen, tous deux reçus par Bernard Hinault. Cette remise de médaille a eu lieu à l’occasion du discours d’ouverture de l’année de coopération économique entre la France et les Pays Bas (3 Juillet), en présence des ministres de l’Economie des deux pays, Emmanuel Macron et Henk Kamp.

En attendant le lancement à l’automne, Bimp’Air continue sa tournée estivale des salons, avec le 22ème salon de l’Outdoor en Allemagne la semaine prochaine : restez connectés !

Bimp'Air à Utrecht à la rencontre acheteurs/sport et au départ du Tour de France 2015

[:nl]This week-end, Bimp’Air’s team went to Utrecht, Netherlands, for a privileged meeting with Dutch professionals in the sport field. The opportunity for the company to disclose the product to future distributors, but also to evaluate the system’s potential on this new market. The technology has been well received, and Bimp’Air hopes to develop many partnerships on the long run, in this country where cyclism is a big part of the national culture.

And of course, Bimp’Air has been able to see the departure of the Tour de France on Saturday 4: the heat didn’t stop the crowd, which was huge for the event. It is in a joyful atmosphere that we had the chance to meet Joop Zoetemelk, a legend of the Tour, who has received the Légion d’Honneur with Jan Janssen, from Bernard Hinault himself. This ceremony took place during the opening speech that launched the beginning of the economic cooperation year between France and the Netherlands, where the two countries’ ministers of the Economy Emmanuel Macron and Henk Kamp were present.

Before the launch expected this fall, Bimp’Air will continue its summer world tour, with the 22nd Outdoor Festival in Germany next week : stay tuned !

Bimp'Air à Utrecht à la rencontre acheteurs/sport et au départ du Tour de France 2015

[:es]This week-end, Bimp’Air’s team went to Utrecht, Netherlands, for a privileged meeting with Dutch professionals in the sport field. The opportunity for the company to disclose the product to future distributors, but also to evaluate the system’s potential on this new market. The technology has been well received, and Bimp’Air hopes to develop many partnerships on the long run, in this country where cyclism is a big part of the national culture.

And of course, Bimp’Air has been able to see the departure of the Tour de France on Saturday 4: the heat didn’t stop the crowd, which was huge for the event. It is in a joyful atmosphere that we had the chance to meet Joop Zoetemelk, a legend of the Tour, who has received the Légion d’Honneur with Jan Janssen, from Bernard Hinault himself. This ceremony took place during the opening speech that launched the beginning of the economic cooperation year between France and the Netherlands, where the two countries’ ministers of the Economy Emmanuel Macron and Henk Kamp were present.

Before the launch expected this fall, Bimp’Air will continue its summer world tour, with the 22nd Outdoor Festival in Germany next week : stay tuned !

Bimp'Air à Utrecht à la rencontre acheteurs/sport et au départ du Tour de France 2015

[:de]This week-end, Bimp’Air’s team went to Utrecht, Netherlands, for a privileged meeting with Dutch professionals in the sport field. The opportunity for the company to disclose the product to future distributors, but also to evaluate the system’s potential on this new market. The technology has been well received, and Bimp’Air hopes to develop many partnerships on the long run, in this country where cyclism is a big part of the national culture.

And of course, Bimp’Air has been able to see the departure of the Tour de France on Saturday 4: the heat didn’t stop the crowd, which was huge for the event. It is in a joyful atmosphere that we had the chance to meet Joop Zoetemelk, a legend of the Tour, who has received the Légion d’Honneur with Jan Janssen, from Bernard Hinault himself. This ceremony took place during the opening speech that launched the beginning of the economic cooperation year between France and the Netherlands, where the two countries’ ministers of the Economy Emmanuel Macron and Henk Kamp were present.

Before the launch expected this fall, Bimp’Air will continue its summer world tour, with the 22nd Outdoor Festival in Germany next week : stay tuned !

Bimp'Air à Utrecht à la rencontre acheteurs/sport et au départ du Tour de France 2015
